Friday, 8 April 2011

The Easter holidays, the time for...nothing but work

The Easter holidays are here once again for another year, and suddenly I find myself nearly halfway through them already. They're going ridiculously quickly and as soon as I know it I hopefully will have graduated and probably looking for a job.

The sun is out though which is always good, and since there are several palm trees around my house it does sometimes feel like I'm in Hawaii...or wherever they have these sorts of trees.

Sunshine also means everyone believes summer is here..and here to stay. Therefore, the shades and flip-flops are out but will no doubt be put away within a week when the traditional rain will return. Standard. I never fall for it. Well maybe the shades..and the flip-flops for that matter.

So what have I been doing these past weeks? Well the one word answer is work..mainly compromising of my dissertation. Nearly there in terms of the word count but still feels like ages to go. Officially I have less than three weeks to do it so I don't really have much choice but to get it done.

Then there's the small matter of revision to do. I really don't see the point of doing it so far in advance because you'll just forget it. Also, the more you know, the more you forget so there's no point starting too early.

Away from work then, I went to see Reading v Portsmouth last weekend. My two teams, talk about split loyalties. But Pompey just edge the words of so many fans 'Pompey will always have a place in my heart'. Sad but true. Pretty good match as well, shame about the end result (Reading won 2-0) but good on Reading, play-offs are a real possibility. So that means Wembley..just maybe..

That'll do for now then. Enjoy the weekend!