Sunday, 7 August 2011

It is the summer of 2011..

A few weeks have passed since the last venture onto my blog so I thought it was about time to update things.

The summer teaching job which I had is now all finished. I worked for over four weeks which at times felt like they would never end but others weren't so bad! All in all it was a great experience, and it was enjoyable most of the time. These summer schools can be quite hectic, not only dealing with the kids but making sure the lessons are relatively entertaining too and ensuring everyone's happy. Luckily my ability as a stand-up is improving all the time so in seconds they're always in fits of laughter. Yes..really (laughing, not having fits).

Since I finished that it's been a relatively quiet, relaxing summer should be. Had the pleasure of going down to Portsmouth to see a few friends and to see how much it had changed since my departure which seems an eternity ago now..well it is nearly a year. There was nothing really to report, aside from the fact the old Donnay shop is now a Jamie's Italian. See, Pompey's getting classy.

These last few days have seen the #jloweekend take place. Yes this was to do with jlo (the real one) but it wasn't quite a weekend but it felt like one so it was one. If that makes sense at all. Basically I had the pleasure of hosting Jess, Hannah, James and Gavin for much amusement in and around my local area. Luckily the weather held too so we managed to do all the delights of the area like go to the seaside, see some ponies in the New Forest, and sample Bournemouth on a Friday night.

Much to everyone's amazement I also ate fish and you do when you're by the sea. Now I'm not going to go into a long essay, suffice to say the only thing I eat from salt water is cod. And with chips that's fine. All other types of fish or seafood can live as far down in the sea as possible and never surface. Seriously it makes me feel ill just thinking about all the other fish. True story. Dat.

James, Gavin, Jess and Hannah on the beach for the #jloweekend
Finally, the job hunt is still continuing, applications and C.Vs have gone off in various directions across the country but to no avail as of yet. I'll keep trying. As I said in a previous post, life isn't meant to be easy. I like a challenge. Just like my army days. But nothing will beat the front line in 'nam all those years ago.  This job thing will be a piece of cake. Just a bloody hard one to cut into.

Ciao for now X

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Now time for the big bad world..

It's been quite a few weeks since I last updated my blog so I thought it was about time to write a new one.

So what's new? University is all over, completely. No more student life, no more exams, no more education. It's only gradually sinking in that I've got a degree and I won't go back in September to an establishment to continue my education.

Graduation took place nearly two weeks ago now. It was a nice occasion, albeit rather brief as it seemed to go so quickly! The ceremony itself was literally only half an hour as I was one of the last people to enter the hall. Following it was the inevitable request for photo after photo from everyone there. Not that I minded though; the only slight disappointment is that I only managed to take around 20 for myself!

Afterwards I went (along with family) to the Forbury hotel..Reading's finest hotel to sample the delights of their afternoon tea. And yes it was rather delightful, the scones and cakes were delicious.

And then that was it. Really it. My experience at Reading was finished for good. Safe to say that 3 of the best years of my life were spent in the town. Some amazing experiences and some amazing people are what made it so special and I've got so many memories to keep with me for the future.

I could probably write a whole lot more to say what I've learnt during my time at university but I'll save that for another time. Perhaps. Don't hold me to it.

Finally, I'm now into the real world now, and as the title of this blog suggests, it's big and bad (the world, not the blog). In an ideal world I'd already have a job as a sports journalist but I'm unfortunately nowhere near that stage as of yet. But I guess it gives me more of a challenge. Who said life was easy? Definitely not me.

So I'm currently teaching at a summer school down in Bournemouth which is quite good fun; it's all rather chaotic and although I don't think teaching's ultimately for me, I'm giving it a good go! Best bit though was definitely some of the kids' leaving ceremony on Friday: not the fact that they were leaving because they were great students, but just the fact that it made James and I feel like true celebrities as we were inundated with demands for photos and signings alike. Now I know how people like JLo feel every day. Come to think of it, bad comparison as I know that feeling all the time but you get my point.

That'll do for now then, plenty more to say but that's for another time...oo the suspense! I'm sure you'll survive, although it could be rather exciting.....X

Friday, 17 June 2011

Uni's almost over...

So, as you can tell from the title, my university experience here in Reading is about to come to a close. Four years packed full of so many memories has reached the end.

Exams have now been and gone and are firmly a thing of the past. It's now three weeks since I did my last one and yesterday I got my result (a 2:1). Was very nervous for about half an hour before I went and got them but in the end it was all a bit of a let down. First I went to the wrong place, then just saw my name on a piece of paper and that was it. No fancy colours, to be honest it was a tad disappointing. And there was no one else around. It was odd.

Is a 2:1 what I wanted? In a word yes, obviously a first would have been great but being realistic, I think that it's a fair outcome and I'm happy with it.

This now ends my university chapter in life, and it's now time to move on to the next challenge - a job. I've already applied to one and had a rejection but I think I would have been extremely lucky to get offered something after my first application. Although hopefully I won't be getting used to the rejection feeling too many times over the next few months. Fingers crossed.

I've already been getting some experience already in media which is what I want to go into. Thanks to the Reading Post, I got 3 weeks' work to give me a feel of what I ought to get used to. Got my name in the paper a few times as well which is always nice and no doubt my first steps to stardom. Soon I'll be on that idol show. Or whatever it is on itv these days. I reckon that's the pinnacle of anyone's life.

If you do want to see some of my work (and let's face it, have you really got anything better to do right now?) then here's the link:

I've also got some teaching coming up, and also some more experience at a couple of other papers over the summer post-uni, as well as hopefully a trip to France so I'll be pretty busy. And that's along with applying for as many jobs as possible in the hope that I get chosen. It's like Willy Wonka (sort of), and I'm the golden ticket, someone just needs to find me.

Finally, there's the annual Reading Uni Summer Ball tonight to look forward to. Judging by recent weather it's going to be a pretty sodden affair but I'm sure Ellie Goulding will hot things up. I'm pretty honoured to be seeing her for the second time in a matter of months having spotted her in Q bar in town. Also, if she's good enough to play for the Queen and co I'm sure she'll get a good reception here. (No champagne though or whatever royalty have these days).

That'll do for now then. Any comments/feedback much appreciated as always.

Have a good weekend! X

Monday, 9 May 2011

The fun and games have started...

It's been while since I last updated this blog, so I thought it was about time to blog again.

So, the Easter holidays are now very much in the past, and the summer term here at uni is already flying by. Into week three already and the prospect of finishing my time in Reading is starting to sink in.

Anyway, as my title suggests, the fun and games of exams started today for me. It was my first of five exams, and my last ever French language one. All of the past three and a half years work on the French language culminated in the three hour exam this morning. It certainly didn't go as I hoped it would, but there you go, what's done is done! I still do not see much use in writing a story from a comic book in future life and it was definitely far from comic earlier on today.

I call this period fun and games because it is exactly what it is. Secretly, I reckon people actually enjoy doing exams, everyone gets together and learns stuff, it's certainly not revision. And the exams themselves, it makes great convo, asking each other what questions did you do, saying that you never want to go near a book or the library ever again, or even, that was just the best two hours of my life. Add to that the weather's nice and Bob's your uncle (for some of you I realise, not all).

Other than exam stuff, there's not been too much else going on. Good to see all the Royal Wedding stuff has died down now, although I'm still waiting for the discounted tea-towels. I need one to add to my collection. Or even start it. Football season is coming to an exciting conclusion as well; very nice to see Reading still competing post season and looking forward to hopefully seeing them in the play-off Wembley. It would be perfect end to my time here at uni in Reading, so is it, in the words of Tinie Tempah, 'written in the stars, a million miles away?' I I hope!

I won't go any more into football, since it may not appeal to all, but if you are interested in reading my thoughts further on my local teams, I'd like to point you in the direction of my other blog which I have just started up:

Right think that will do for now, enjoy the summer and good luck with exams if you're in the middle of them! 


Friday, 8 April 2011

The Easter holidays, the time for...nothing but work

The Easter holidays are here once again for another year, and suddenly I find myself nearly halfway through them already. They're going ridiculously quickly and as soon as I know it I hopefully will have graduated and probably looking for a job.

The sun is out though which is always good, and since there are several palm trees around my house it does sometimes feel like I'm in Hawaii...or wherever they have these sorts of trees.

Sunshine also means everyone believes summer is here..and here to stay. Therefore, the shades and flip-flops are out but will no doubt be put away within a week when the traditional rain will return. Standard. I never fall for it. Well maybe the shades..and the flip-flops for that matter.

So what have I been doing these past weeks? Well the one word answer is work..mainly compromising of my dissertation. Nearly there in terms of the word count but still feels like ages to go. Officially I have less than three weeks to do it so I don't really have much choice but to get it done.

Then there's the small matter of revision to do. I really don't see the point of doing it so far in advance because you'll just forget it. Also, the more you know, the more you forget so there's no point starting too early.

Away from work then, I went to see Reading v Portsmouth last weekend. My two teams, talk about split loyalties. But Pompey just edge the words of so many fans 'Pompey will always have a place in my heart'. Sad but true. Pretty good match as well, shame about the end result (Reading won 2-0) but good on Reading, play-offs are a real possibility. So that means Wembley..just maybe..

That'll do for now then. Enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Nearing the end...

As the title of this suggests, I am nearing the end of my university life.  I have 2 days remaining before Easter, followed by the summer term and then that'll be it.  It'll be over in no time.  I'm sure of it.

So, these past few days have been winding down really.  I had the pleasure of seeing the Reading half marathon pass across campus on Sunday, where amongst others James and Eve were running away..literally.

This has been my last week of lectures too, just a 2 hour one left tomorrow afternoon and it's done.  Never again will I have to go to a lecture.  Weird feeling that.

Wednesdays of course mean the JLo and Steve show on the university radio station, Junction11.  Well worth a listen, I do recommend it. Went very well today, lots of positive feedback which is always nice!

This weekend then I will be going back home after working at the Madejski Stadium, Saturday afternoon for the London Irish St Patrick's Day party match against Exeter Chiefs.  Very much looking forward to it, always a great atmosphere there, especially for this match.  It's basically Christmas for Irish people.  Or something similar.  Everyone's happy, lots of Guinness is drunk, by drunks and London Irish win.  What more could you want?

So, hope to be back on here in a few days, probably when I'm back home.

As always, feedback is appreciated!

Thank you!

Friday, 18 March 2011

Time to blog away!

So, here it is, my first blog.  I never thought I'd get round to writing one actually, but hey it's Friday, so definitely time for something new.

And where do I start?  The beginning I hear you say?  Ok, standard joke, but you might have to get used to them.  If you don't like jokes then there must be something wrong with you.  Seriously, you need to have a laugh in life, even a bad one (laugh not life).

It's Friday afternoon, the weekend is upon us.  The sun is shining (the weather is sweet..) and I have one more week of lectures EVER.  Scary stuff.  Never again will I have such a jumbled up lifestyle, but a good one I have to add.

Which means I'm left with the small matter of a dissertation and 5 exams which will all take over my life until Friday 27th May 2011.  On that day, at 11.01am it will be one of the best feelings of  my life.  So long as I don't think I've failed an exam.  That would be sad, very sad.

Right that's all I'm going to do for now, reactions would be much appreciated, if you manage to read through it all.

O and have a good weekend, whatever you're doing!